Packing & Traveling Tips
Packing for our trips can always bring about some anxiety if we are not prepared well in advance. As individuals, we all have our own level of comfort in regard to how far in advance we need to begin the preparatory phase. Like all things, with more experience comes greater insight and levels of comfort, thus ultimately cutting down our time set aside for packing. I have greatly benefited not only from all my time packing and moving, but also from utilizing a practice known as visualization. The more time you can mentally see what you need and put it together in your head in as clear a manner as possible, the quicker you will be able to put it all together in the end. This also applies to other areas of life, so give it a shot if you haven’t already to reap it’s benefits.
Here are a few tips that I would like to share with you to facilitate your travels.
1) Roll your clothes, this will allow for maximum capacity in your luggage. Be sure to weigh your bag at home on your scale so you know in advance before arriving to the airport that you stay under the allowed limit. Stuff your socks inside your shoes. Shoe’s weigh a lot and take up a lot of space, so usually I would recommend one pair of comfortable sneakers to wear during the day and another pair suitable for dinners or nights out in town. Finally , invest in luggage that has 4 wheels for maximum comfort while maneuvering throughout the airports.
2) If you plan on being in the sun and you haven’t yet been, I would consider some sunscreen. Though I don't use any, it could be a good idea to bring a small bottle, but please make sure you invest in a quality cream as many are made up of harmful chemicals that will cause more damage than overexposure to the sun. The safest bet and my approach is to wear some light clothing that covers your skin. Don’t forget a hat and your trusty/comfortable sunglasses.
3) It would be advisable to bring a portable electronic charger. If you are in to capturing your trip through photographs, social media, vlog/blog posts, etc.. it’s nice to not have a restriction on your time spent doing what you love. They are fairly cheap and worth it in my opinion. Don’t forget you can be someone’s new best friend if they are in need as well!
4) A soft yet sturdy neck rest pillow is crucial for catching up on rest while on the plane or even on the bus. Also be sure to move around on the plane; some aisle walking, calf raises, multi directional arm movement, leg stretching, and gentle neck movements. Pair this with some deep conscious breathing and you will be feeling your best while on board the flight. Hydrating with room temperature water is important as well as your body doesn’t have to waste any more energy on heating up cold beverages once ingested. Plan your caffeine intake wisely as it has a tendency to dehydrate you.
5) When you travel eastbound it’s important to not sleep upon your arrival. A short nap is ok, but ideally you want to stay up throughout the day even while pushing through exhaustion as this will facilitate your first nights sleep and set the tone going forward.
Below are a few things I’ve begun to pack away. Check them out!
Stay tuned and follow us as we take off tomorrow! Safe travels, best wishes, and blessings to everyone.
Neck rest, hat, portable electronics charger, document/passport bag, four wheeled luggage, sandals
comfortable & efficient sunglasses
comfortable yet elegant footwear that won’t be a space/weight eater
GoPro Hero6 with various accessories that I will be utilizing to capture our adventure
My Mac is essential in all facets of my work. The sexy bag makes it that much better to have it with me
Outlet adapters are essential. Some hotels have them but having your own is real peace of mind.
Comfortable sneakers, tee shirts, and hats are a must